Our Voice

What will OurVoice.social do?

  1. Build a massive worldwide community of people committed to creating real change.
  2. Create a clear set of demands to protect ourselves, our planet and our future.
  3. Exercise our power to create the changes we agree to on a global scale.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

The world needs us right now more than ever before.

We have the power to reshape the societies we live in and the economic and political systems that they employ. We only have to agree on a set of fundamental principles and specific goals, then exercise our power to make the changes we know we need to make.

If you understand what is happening with our environment and natural disasters, national and international politics, economic and military wars, the transfer of wealth and power to corporations and their owners from everyone else, or the myriad social and economic problems that we all face every day, you will recognize that we need real change and that we can not simply wait for existing systems to come to the same conclusion decades or centuries in the future.

OurVoice.social was created to bring everyone willing to make that change together regardless of political, cultural, religious or other differences.

We will disagree on many things, but with open and honest discussions most of us can find common ground on these issues and more:

  1. Fundamental rights and responsibilities.
  2. The kind of future we want to see.
  3. Reasonable first steps to achieve our goals.
  4. Systemic changes that will allow this process to continue.

We will not come to an agreement on every issue and the world we will build will contain groups of people we strongly disagree with, but we can choose to guarantee each other basic rights and peaceful coexistence as we continue working to heal historical wounds and to come together through multiple rounds of discussion and activism.

To succeed we must agree to a basic set of core principles to build from. We propose the following to begin with:

  1. Universality
  2. Transparency
  3. Non-violence
  4. Sincerity
  5. Solidarity

If we create and honestly engage in a process based on these principles, we can and will succeed in building a future we want to live in.

The following is a draft script for a video we plan to release soon. It is somewhat vague both to keep it short and to avoid offending people in an introductory video, but we hope that it gets the main message across.

If you have any feedback, please let us know!

It’s time to change the world together.

Throughout history, we have struggled to survive and to advance as a society. We have failed to come together to make sure all of our voices were heard.

We should not let divisions between us stand in the way of progress. We do not have to let people die of starvation and preventable disease, or allow our inevitable conflicts to lead to endless wars and hatred. That time should be long in the past. We can do more than watch the environmental devastation around the world. We need to come together now to solve these problems.

We can decide what our future will be. The Internet finally allows most of us to communicate directly, and together we can reach far more people if we try.

The world is changing faster than ever, and few of us are in control of it.. We should shape society to benefit all of us. It is time to set aside divisions and affiliations, to focus on deep agreements and the core values we all share. We need honesty with ourselves and others, and we must listen to each other with open minds.

We need to start with a clean slate. I want you all to join the process and participate in any way you can. This is not about any particular country or political agenda. This process will be shaped by people with dramatically different backgrounds and viewpoints. Once we start talking about our agreements more than our disagreements, we can and will find common ground to build a better future for generations to come, and for ourselves.

I believe there is an urgent need to start this process. This video is a single seed that will grow into a true grassroots effort if you join us and plant a seed of your own. If you are willing to make and share your own video, please include this list of core principles — Unity, Universality, Sincerity, Transparency, Non-violence — and contact information so we can come together and organize, both locally and globally.

If you can help out in any way right now, please join us at https://forum.OurVoice.social where we can begin to shape this process.

Or, if you want to monitor our progress, you can sign up for important messages at https://www.OurVoice.social, and you can follow us at any of the following social media and streaming sites.

We will change the world. Together.

Note: There’s little to nothing on these social media accounts yet, but you can help change that! Discord, e-mail and other accounts are available but not listed publicly right now.

YOU can be on the next live stream. Just use the contact form to let us know when you’re available and what you want to talk about.

We are using Restream for calls and streaming to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook and Twitter.  Restream does not require an account for guests to join our stream!

Thank you for being here.